120 GBP - London - United Kingdom
Candy Escort
from Bubbles Escorts
When it comes to describing our escorts working within the Bubbles agency, we find most of our women tend to epitomise the word sexy or sultry. This isn`t a bad thing, however we wouldn`t necessarily use these words to describe Candy. We think she`s more of a cute and adorable escort, wouldn`t you agree? Every gentleman has a particular taste, and we`d book Candy over our sexy escorts any day. It`s that charming smile and thin athletic curves. It just gets you going.
Check out her gallery, she wears jeans like a goddess. Candy is an absolute beauty, the way she curls her hair really completes her cute appearance. When it comes to this escorts personality, you can glean a lot from her gallery. She`s generally easy going, salt of the earth gal. She`s actually quite naughty in the bedroom - providing A+ and extremely happy to be dominant. If that sounds up your alley, you should book her and get up her alley.
Grab an hour or more of Candy by contacting Bubbles today. She takes out call appointments in London.
- Time
- Incall
- Outcall
- 1 hour
- 120 GBP
- 1.5 hours
- 180 GBP
- 2 hours
- 220 GBP
- Add. hours
- 100 GBP
- Dinner date
- Overnight
- 750 GBP
Availability: 24/7
Click on the icons to expand Candy's contact details:from Silver Fox Escorts
Location: London
Age: 25
Height: 170 cm
Bust: 34D
Nationality: European
Price: 150 GBP